Students Energy Audit Chelsea High School
The innaugural Chelsea High School Stacks+Joules cohort of 2018
Chelsea, MA March, 6th 2018 - The Chelsea High School cohort of Stacks+Joules learned hands-on lessons about the energy efficiency industry by partnering with professionals from EnergySource on a school-wide energy audit.
Professionals from EnergySource explain the ins and outs of ballasts and lamps.
Robert Fields and William Hunt are energy professionals with years of experience in the field. Having led hundreds of energy audits over their careers they came to Chelsea High School to mentor the students as they learned the ins and outs of energy auditing. Outfitted with a step ladder and know-how they made their way through the school hallways, opening up all of the lighting housings to get an eyes-on count of all of the lamps and fixtures used in the school. Student teams identified lamp-types, lamp wattages as well as ballast voltages to get a picture of the current energy usage at the school.
William Hunt from EnergySource detailing the inner workings of a quad ballast used in these unique round fixtures.
All of the data was collected with an energy efficient retrofit and building control platform proposal in mind. Working with the team from EnergySource in the coming weeks the Stacks+Joules cohort will work on a pitch proposal to present to the school board of Chelsea High School. We see this as a legacy project that will not only have an energy savings impact but also serve as a live-laboratory for future Stacks+Joules students to learn about the direct impact of a building control systems.
Thanks again to the whole team at EnergySource for their time and expertise.